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  • I am typically available for help and requizzing during the following times:

    • Every morning from 7:40 - 7:57

    • Monday and Wednesday @ 2nd lunch

    • Monday and Wed after school 2:30 - 3:30

    • Thursday after school 2:30 - 4:30

    • By appointment


Hello!  I am Mr. Birklid and I teach 6th- through 8th-grade math  at Vista Middle School.  It is my 12th year in education.  I enjoy running, skiing, guitar, singing, board games, basketball, football, and white chocolate mochas.  All at the same time.  


Last year, my goals were to 1) take the plunge and try teaching middle school (I've been mostly @ the high-school-level) and 2) incorporate the Standards-Based Assessment I used for HS science in my math classes.


This year's goals: 1) Find ways to support and empower families in helping hold their students accountable to homework effort and learning goal mastery, 2) develop systems to allow students to track their progress towards learning goals, and 3) incorporate the Capturing Kids Hearts training I received in June into my classroom.


Standards-Based Assessment (SBA)

I believe a student's grade should be based upon what they learn, not what they do. Effort, participation, timeliness, attitude, and behavior are important aspects to learning, but they are difficult to measure and in the long run do not accurately portray the student's level of mastery over the subject matter.  Only assessment of knowledge can be used to judge a student's--well--level of knowledge.  


Also, some students need very little time to learn and some need more time and extra chances.  Therefore, I allow students as much time as they need to master the concepts of the class. This may mean something FINALLY clicks in November that was introduced in September, for example.  That student would earn the same score on that concept as a student who got it the first time. This drastically reduces the likelihood of a student "giving up" just because their grade is currently "in the toilet," as it were. I have seen students with low F's finally learn--well--how to learn and turn things around, passing the class with a C or better!  Watching this happen is one of the biggest reasons I am in education!

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